Self-portrait by Prachi. She is playing a ukelele and sitting on a couch. Behind her is a large painting  of a person holding a flower.

Prachi Dhase: Finding Beauty in the Mundane

Prachi Dhase is an Indian Canadian artist that bridges cultures, champions inclusivity and finds beauty in the everyday. She is working toward a career as a children's book author and illustrator w...
Ambivalently Yours draws at her desk with her cat on her shoulder
acrylic paint

Ambivalentement vôtre : la tendre synergie de la profondeur et de la nuance

Douceur et force : Tumblr est d'abord devenu une plate-forme pour la créativité émotionnelle et la réflexion tendre d'Ambivalently Yours. Aujourd'hui, Ambivalently Yours est devenu admiré pour ses ...