It’s a great highlight colour. Bright and covers well. When I need a hit of sunlight, CAD Orange is it.
I have so far used it just for toning my canvas and it works really well with a small amount of paint.
I am ready enjoy the Tri-Art acrylic paints. The ordering process was easy, delivery quick and nice consistency paint.
I have used Tri-art before in the limited quantities and colours at my local Art Supply Store and found hem to be as good as Golden Paints which I have used for several years. In fact, I was one of the first buyers of Golden in New York when the founder Harry sold them out of his trunk in Soho and then at a few Art Supply Stores. Now living in Canada, the price differential has been a factor for me looking for a less expensive substitute. So far the colour I have bought closely match the characteristics of Golden; the opacity and brilliance seems the same. The Cadmium Red Medium from Sri- Art is both brighter and as opaque as the Golden. I still have some paint in a 16Oz. Jar from Golden and have tested next to the Tri-Art. I like the results.